La Bella Frutta

La Bella Frutta

Chaussée d\'Alsemberg 803, 1180, Uccle

Phone: 02 376 17 88

La Bella Frutta, c’est une immense sélection de fruits et légumes primeurs sélectionnés chacun chez des producteurs triés sur le volet. Silvia et Bruno ne choisissent que les variétés issues d’agriculture responsable ou biologique.

Ce qu'on aime : Les variétés ! Plusieurs variétés de tomates, de pommes, de poires (goûtez ces poires, elles sont folles!) ou de pomme de terres vous permettrons de découvrir les subtilités qu'il peut y avoir entre différents produits de même type, mais aussi pour chaque recette ! N'oublions pas les trouvailles saisonnières et des fruits exotiques.

Vous ne considérerez plus acheter des fruits et légumes en supermarché!

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Showing 1-3 of 3 item(s)

Crozets Nature - ALPINA Savoie

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Crozets are a small square pasta from the Savoy region, usually eaten as a side dish or in pasta gratins. Their small size and square shape give them a dense and firm texture, while retaining a certain suppleness when cooked. Crozets are also known for their unique flavour, reminiscent of the Savoy mountains. Crozets can be perfectly combined with different ingredients, such as cheese, bacon, vegetables and mushrooms, to create tasty and comforting dishes. They can be used as a basic ingredient in traditional dishes such as tartiflette or croziflette.Crozets are an exceptional product of Savoyard gastronomy, which deserves to be discovered or rediscovered. see less

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Carnaroli Rice 500g

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Also known as the king of rice, Carnaroli is the preferred grain for chefs to prepare risotto. More starchy than Arborio, which gives it a creamy side, it also holds up better to cooking and you'll be able to keep it firm throughout without too much difficulty. Its ability to absorb flavours is exemplary and gives this small organic rice an exceptional quality. see less

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Rosti orginal - Hero

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The Swiss speciality par excellence! The potatoes are pressed together to form a patty that is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The crisp, chewy texture of rosti is achieved through a careful cooking technique that requires special skills. Swiss artisans produce high quality artisanal rosti, using fresh, local potatoes. see less

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