La Bella Frutta

La Bella Frutta

Chaussée d\'Alsemberg 803, 1180, Uccle

Phone: 02 376 17 88

La Bella Frutta, c’est une immense sélection de fruits et légumes primeurs sélectionnés chacun chez des producteurs triés sur le volet. Silvia et Bruno ne choisissent que les variétés issues d’agriculture responsable ou biologique.

Ce qu'on aime : Les variétés ! Plusieurs variétés de tomates, de pommes, de poires (goûtez ces poires, elles sont folles!) ou de pomme de terres vous permettrons de découvrir les subtilités qu'il peut y avoir entre différents produits de même type, mais aussi pour chaque recette ! N'oublions pas les trouvailles saisonnières et des fruits exotiques.

Vous ne considérerez plus acheter des fruits et légumes en supermarché!

Discover the products of La Bella Frutta



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Homemade artichoke cream 100g

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An explosion of flavours in the mouth. Made with artichoke hearts, parmesan, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic, this cream has a smooth texture and a rich, intense flavour. The salty, slightly acidic notes of the artichoke hearts are perfectly balanced with the umami flavour of the parmesan and the spicy touch of the garlic. The creamy texture of this preparation is perfect with fresh bread, raw vegetables or as a sauce for your pasta or vegetable dishes. see less

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Green Olives without pits per 200g

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Homemade marinated and seasoned green olives! Aside from the appetizer, their slightly bitter taste and crunchy texture make them perfect for adding texture and flavour to your favourite dishes. In addition, these olives are rich in vitamins and minerals, making them a healthy and delicious choice. see less

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Black pitted olives per 200g

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Homemade marinated and seasoned black olives! Add a touch of flavour to your salads, pizzas, or simply enjoy them as an aperitif. Their rich, slightly salty taste is perfectly balanced, while their meaty, melt-in-the-mouth texture is irresistible. These olives are also a source of health-promoting vitamins and antioxidants. see less

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Gourmet Spicy Olives 200g

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These spicy olives are perfect for those who love bold and zesty flavours. Their unique blend of spices and premium olive oil gives them a deep, spicy flavour, while their meaty, crunchy texture is irresistible. These olives are perfect for spicing up salads, pizzas, or simply to enjoy as an appetizer. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that promote good health. see less

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